April 28, 2013

Florida part two

Wow, what an amazing trip that was! We went back to Legoland the next day (as planned), to revisit anything we wanted to see or do again.

But first, a couple of videos from the day before. Nathaniel was so excited to go to Legoland:

We also made it to Cypress Gardens the second day. Wow, it was gorgeous! I had never seen a Cypress tree or a Banyan tree. We saw some huge Cypress trees and the most incredible tree I have ever seen, the Banyan tree along with some other beautiful trees and flowers. One tree even looked like it belonged in the Lorax movie.

Nathaniel hugging a Cypress Tree

We loved the way the Banyan tree sprouted limbs down to support its enormous weight

Sorry this one is blurry, but it is great at showing the size of the Banyan Tree

Next, on to another wonderful, awe-inspiring sight: the beach at Lido Key

I haven't seen water this clear since I went to the Bahamas in 8th grade. It was great, because you could see what was tickling your leg!

Our feet in the Gulf Coast water

How clear the water is!

No, not sharks, but tips of Stingray fins

Our last full day in Florida, we went to the #1 beach in the USA, Siesta beach. I see why it is rated #1 - powder soft sand and no shells (the beach on Lido Key had powdery sand, but LOTS of shells - ouch!).

Nathaniel and Marcia built a fort at Siesta beach, which we promptly knocked down. In the middle, there is the mountain that Nathaniel built that he said was Mount Everest.

We had so much fun, but it is good to be back in Virginia. My favorite Nathaniel quote from the trip is when Marcia was filing her nails with an Emery board. He wanted to know what she was doing. She said she was filing her nails. Then he looked at her very quizzically and said, "but why are using a Popsicle stick?" I guess that tells you how much I take care of my nails!

April 22, 2013

Florida part one

Hooray! We made it to Legoland! We had a blast today - Nathaniel was SO excited! We had a blast today and, praise God the weather was WONDERFUL! Overcast, but warm. Some sun, but not too much. No rain until we were leaving at 5:30 tonight. Indeed, God is God of even the weather!

But first, we had a "little" storm Friday night. God again took care of us in that no one was hurt and only had some damage to a fence, no houses.

This tree fell almost exactly parallel to our fence and the neighbors trees (our beam on our porch was already that way)

This was the worst damage. This was a HUGE tree!

Once we (mostly Steve) got the tree off our neighbors fence on Saturday morning, we headed to Florida, stopping half way in South Carolina.

We made it to Florida yesterday and went to Legoland today. Legoland was amazing! It is a small-ish park (think Kings Dominion size) that has Lego things built everywhere!

By the Welcome sign

A larger than life mini-fig!

All the large Lego creations like these had recorded saying with them. This is one of my favorites. She has a "Pigeon Recipes" book and is trying to catch them. I think she was saying something like "Here pigeon, pigeon"

One of the rides. They were all pretty easy since Legoland is for kids under age 12.

One of my favorite parts of Legoland - miniland. Many, many replicas of things, all made out of Legos!

Even the restaurants had Lego creations. This was in a Pizzeria.

I love that some of the sharks teeth are red.

This is the Imagination Zone. You walk in and they hand you wheels. You use the Legos they have there and build a car, and then you get to race them!!! Very cool!

It was a great day, but the hot tub felt really good tonight. On to the beach tomorrow!

April 15, 2013


April 15 has rolled around once again. But for me, who is surrounded by family and loved ones, it is a happy occasion every year.

Steve's mom and step-dad took us out to dinner last night. Yummy!

You can see how red my neck is! We had friends over and spent several hours outside.
 I worked half a day today and then when I came home, Steve and Nathaniel had decorated the house:

That's the three of us driving. There are balloons up above, some of which have a "41" on them

This one is my FAVORITE! It shows me and Nathaniel hugging and says "Love everlasting"

In addition to all this I have received many phone calls, texts and facebook messages from friends and loved ones.
I am blessed.

April 2, 2013


Jesus is risen! One of my favorite comments from Nathaniel yesterday was when we were singing "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" (find the song here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzy7jFNUc3w ), he tapped me and said, "this sounds like 'Deck the Halls' for Easter". Out of the mouths of babes!

On to another song, Nathaniel and the rest of the 5-10 year olds sang at church yesterday.
Here is the link for the actual song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdCwxnZhk6Q

He was more nervous this time than on Christmas, but he still had a good time. Steve's mom also came to see Nathaniel sing. It was really good to worship with her as well .

Nathaniel with "Lolo", aka Steve's mom, Marcia

Three Smiths

After church, we went to Marcia's house for some excellent Smith family food with the rest of the family.

To celebrate Marcia's sister's birthday. Love it! Shoes and a purse!

Nathaniel and Sarah

Finding eggs! Wearing his cool new Lego crocs

Jessica sporting her super cute new hair do (and her Hollister bag to find eggs with!)

Emma with her Hollister bag for finding eggs

Bill chillin'

Time to see what's in all the eggs! Yum!

Happy Easter everyone! He is risen! He is risen indeed!