May 13, 2013

Happy (Belated!) Nurses Week

Last week was Nurses Week. Having grown up with a mom who is a great nurse, I really appreciate all that nurses do. I have several relatives, as well, that are awesome nurses: a cousin Beth, a cousin Beula, a cousin Allen, an aunt Margaret Ann. Also in this list are two other deceased aunts, Stella and Ruby who were nurses. To have four nurses in a family of 7 children is quite remarkable and speaks of their upbringing. I also think their is something to be said for genetics in this line as well.

A nurse is not someone who just doles out medication and gives shots, but a nurse is someone who also cares about the patient and is truly the "first line of defense" for the patient. He or she is there with the patient much more than the doctor. This is one thing that occurred to me when I was pregnant. Everyone always hopes for such and such a doctor, but what really matters is who your nurse is. When I had internal bleeding after my c-section it wasn't the doctor who noticed (for she wasn't there), but the nurse taking my vitals. The nurse then notified the doctor and she came to my side and got me on my way to recovery.

As I first said, my mom is a nurse. Even though she is retired, she still is in the nursing field. She has nursed my dad back from two joint replacements and prostate cancer. In addition to that, she is still doing elder care, and is quite sought after.

I will end this monologue with a picture I found recently of my mom. It is from when she was working at Cedar Lawn Nursing Home, where I jokingly say I grew up. It is from that time in my life (she was there for many, many years) that I believe I developed my love for older people.

Thank you to all the nurses! Thank you Mother!

May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

Both Steve and I are blessed to have two fantastic moms. Both of them have gone and still go out of their way to ensure their children are happy and feel loved. Thank you both so much!
My mom, Lorena

Steve's mom, Marcia