March 1, 2014

Since the weather stopped us...

Well, we were going to visit my parents this weekend, but it is supposed to be really icky on Monday, when we would have come back, so we decided to postpone our trip. :-( Stupid weather! Hurry Spring!
Nathaniel helping Steve with the driveway with the last snow. I was helping for a while, then got tired of falling!
So, some of the things I was going to show them:
Nathaniel and the blanket I made him

A potholder for my mom

A heart I made this morning

Some bean plants we are now growing.

And some miscellaneous pictures from warmer days. Ahhh.

January 11, 2014

Our little boy is 8!!!!

Last Saturday was Nathaniel's 8th birthday and his birthday party. He had a great day! I started his day off with signs posted where he would see them when he first got up, some of which are still there (that's kind of what we do here at the Smiths - I still have up a sign Nathaniel made me for my birthday in April). We of course, started the day with him opening gifts from us and family.

Gift from Grandma and Granddaddy

Gift from Grandpa Doug and Sue. He loved the wrapping paper too!

Gift from Aunt Gina

He wanted a picture with all his cool birthday gifts.

Then after some building and playing, it was time for the party.

Nathaniel with the Tie Fighter pinata

Millennium Falcon cake 

Nathaniel and James building the gift from James

One of James' sisters hitting the pinata. The girls hit MUCH harder than the boys!


Later that night, I took pictures of him in his dad's shirt. This is a yearly tradition, to watch him grow into the shirt. I think it is cool that the shirt is green and that turned out to be his favorite color.