June 13, 2012

Visiting with the other Smiths

The other Smith family (Steve's brother and his family) came in from Michigan on Monday. It was so good to get to spend time with them. Steve's brother is a pastor at a church in Battle Creek, Michigan and his wife, Beth works at PetCo part time and homeshool's their 3 children full time. It was such a blessing to be able to see them again (it's been since July 2010 since these three Smiths have seen them.

I enjoyed listening to how God is working in their lives, especially Beth's stories of how God is using her at PetCo. Their three kids, Drea, Aidan and Ella are very sweet and Nathaniel had a blast playing with them. He will be pooped today! He spent the night with them on Monday night (very spur of the moment) and even got to wear a pair of Aidan't pajamas! I very happy to know he will remember the time he spent with them!

In the picture (for those of you who don't know my family) are Steve's brother Brad and Steve (the two tall guys, Brad is on the left), second row from left is Drea (their oldest) Beth (Brad's wife), Marcia (the mom, grandma) and me and on the bottom row from left is Ella (their youngest), Aidan (the middle child) and our Nathaniel.

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