August 14, 2012

Mowing, new lost tooth and new hair

This afternoon, Steve called to Nathaniel and asked him if he wanted to drive the lawnmower. So, of course, being the picture taking, show and tell mom I am, I had to document it. I had expected the usual Steve driving for Nathaniel, but instead, I saw Nathaniel actually steering! So proud!

This is the mower that Steve put together from 2 separate mowers, one engine and one body. Again, very proud! This is also the first time Steve has had to cut the grass since June.

Also, Nathaniel has lost another tooth. Relatives said they would start popping out now, and indeed they are. 

And one more update, I got my hair cut and I love it! Also, Steve helped me highlight it, by pulling it through the little holes in the highlight cap. I don't know too many husbands who would spend that kind of time helping their wives with their hair!

Sorry, no photos of me in the cap! On purpose!

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