September 17, 2012

...and he's off!

Having done two Flat Stanley's for my nieces when they were in 2nd grade, now that Nathaniel is in 2nd grade, we are having him do one. So, this morning, Flat Stanley was created in our house and he will be sent off to Japan (thanks Amy!) tomorrow morning.

September 2, 2012

Having fun staying home

What a good time we have had so far this weekend. This weekend, my goal was to not go anywhere (except church on Sunday) and so far, I have succeeded. I generally am a type of person who has to go somewhere every day, but this weekend, I just wanted to stay home and enjoy my family.

As I was playing with Nathaniel last night, I looked at him as only a mother can do and remembered how small he was when I first saw him (just a few weeks in utero) - how big he has gotten. And, how can someone choose to take life away from something so precious? To show you how small he was when I first saw him, I took a picture of one of my first ultrasound pictures:
In this picture, he is about 2 cm long. 

Nathaniel wanted me to put a picture of us on here as well, taken just a few minutes ago. He was so sweet - I was complaining about my double chin, how I didn't like it in pictures. For one of the pictures, he started to put his hand up by my face. I said "what are you doing?" - he said "blocking your double chin!" Out of the mouths of babes...