October 8, 2012

Autumn Scavenger Hunt

Nathaniel and I went on an Autumn Scavenger Hunt this morning. It all started when I found a small bird's nest in our backyard and I remembered I had seen a pin on pinterest for the scavenger hunt (you can see the site for the scavenger hunt here: http://imaginationsoup.net/2010/10/autumn-fall-scavenger-hunt-for-kids/) . With the air feeling so "fall like" this morning, I thought it would be a perfect day for it.

I called our friends, the Whittemores who live in a great area for a scavenger hunt, in a wooded area by a pond. They said, sure, come on over, so we did (thanks Whittemores!)

We found all the items on the checklist!

Nathaniel showing the smooth and the rough tree bark

What a beautiful flower! This filled two things on our list: a flower and a beautiful thing.

Checking things off of his list

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