January 21, 2013

We went to the snow!

It was supposed to snow here in Spotsylvania, but it didn't, so went to where it did! Not really...we had planned to go see my parents this past weekend and it was the same weekend when the snow happened (and didn't here!)

Ahhh -  fresh snow. It was so pretty.

Nathaniel had a blast playing in the snow!

We also had a good time visiting my parents. It was good to be in the house I grew up in again.

My mom decided to try her hand (literally) at cutting my dad's hair. While she used to be a beautician before she was a nurse, she didn't have any experience with men's hair. Steve has cut his hair and Nathaniel's for many years, so he showed my mom how to do it.

First, Steve cut Nathaniel's hair. He was a very cooperative for this show and tell (and do).

Next, my mom cut my dad's hair - while Nathaniel watched. She did a good job (I knew she would!)

And finally, it was Steve's turn. I cut his hair (with only one oops!) and then my mom helped finish.

Whew, that was a lot of hair cutting!

There was also lots of snuggling. My mom took the first snuggling picture - she couldn't get over both Nathaniel and I on our computers at the same time. Some of my favorite times with Nathaniel are early in the morning and right before bed when we snuggle (usually without either of us having computers!)

Nathaniel also discovered one of my favorite things to do growing up - being over the air vent when it was blowing warm air!

This special time was Nathaniel showing Grandma his legos. I loved this interaction - so special and sweet.

We all had a great time. As my dad says, lots of memories were made.

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