March 30, 2013

Race Day

Nathaniel ran his first race today! It was the 1/4 mile bunny chase at the Spotsylvania Courthouse Pavilion. He said he had a great time.We look forward to more races in the future (I didn't get any pics of him running because he was too fast!)
Getting ready to leave.

Going to the starting line

Ready to chase the bunny!

All done!


March 25, 2013

Spring Snow

Today is March 25 and it is snowing! Apparently the last time we had snow this late in the year was 1990 (according to the news this morning). I was off today so Nathaniel and I had fun playing in the snow.
This was last night when it first started. It was really pretty.

Nathaniel building his snow fort. We had fun building them (he had me make one, too) and throwing snowballs at each other. The snow was nice and wet so it was perfect.

Nathaniel riding on a sled that a neighbor gave to us. When he gave it to us, I thought we'd have to wait until next year. Ha!

Snow on one of the trees that had started to bloom.

March 24, 2013

It was a Pinteresting Party!

I attended (hosted) my first ever Pinterest Party last night. We had a blast! We all made at least one recipe from Pinterest that we hadn't tried before and shared crafts we had done. If we weren't on Pinterest, then crafts and recipes from elsewhere.

From left to right is Holly, Janet, Lauren, Tiffany, Christine, me, Jessica and Joanne. This is our spread of our fantastic food (not included was Holly's fantastic punch). I'm not wearing a sash, it's just the light bouncing off my Pinterest idea name tag. :-)

Lauren and Holly distributing the recipes (we made copies of our recipes to give to everyone). Behind them you can see our display of crafts.

Four of the participants of the party fellowshipping before we ate.

Telling about our crafts we made and/or awesome helpful tips we know.

We all had a blast and look forward to doing it again soon!

March 17, 2013

Since January

Wow, a lot has happened since my last post (it HAS been over 2 months since then, however). Let's see:

  • Nathaniel finished 2nd grade!
  • Nathaniel had something in his eye (very traumatic!)
  • We had to put our beloved German Shepherd down
  • We got a new dog
  • I cut my hair again
  • I colored my hair, too!
  • Flat Stanley went to Alaska
We are finishing up the school year by focusing on things he had a more difficult time with, like math. He has done very well in 2nd grade and is looking forward to the third grade.

A couple of weeks ago Nathaniel had something in his eye which started on a Friday and didn't get total relief until the following Sunday. God surely showed His sovereignty over this by having us "by chance" see a friend of ours who is an optometrist at Wal-Mart and "just happened" to have plans to be in the office on Sunday. Their are NO coincidences, only God showing Himself being at work!

We noticed that our 4 year old German Shepherd, Stark, was looking very thin and decided to take him to the vet. She found a large mass in his abdomen and with x-rays saw that probably his bowel had ruptured. She said he was beyond surgical help and said he might live only another week. So, we made the very hard decision to have him euthanized. We were able to bring him home and bury him in the backyard next to our other beloved dog, Rupert. In the spring we may put gravestones by their graves to show our love for them. They, along with the other dogs we have had will never be forgotten. 

One of his favorite balls. We buried him with this one.

We went to the Animal Shelter last week and found a new dog that has now made his way into our hearts.He is a young beagle that we named Flash (after the beagle-like dog on Dukes of Hazard.) He is very sweet and I once again have a lap dog!
Flash with his bone

Keeping an eye on the squirrels and birds

Nathaniel walking Flash

Last weekend I had my hair cut and decided I wanted a different color. So, I opted to go light brown and LOVE it! 
Not a drastic color change, but I love it!

I have a friend who has a son that lives in Alaska. She visited him after the first of the year and very sweetly agreed to take him with her. From the pictures she gave me, it looks like Stanley had quite the time in Alaska!

Ahhh! A Polar Bear!

Hmmm. A moose.

In the snow

On the airplane