March 24, 2013

It was a Pinteresting Party!

I attended (hosted) my first ever Pinterest Party last night. We had a blast! We all made at least one recipe from Pinterest that we hadn't tried before and shared crafts we had done. If we weren't on Pinterest, then crafts and recipes from elsewhere.

From left to right is Holly, Janet, Lauren, Tiffany, Christine, me, Jessica and Joanne. This is our spread of our fantastic food (not included was Holly's fantastic punch). I'm not wearing a sash, it's just the light bouncing off my Pinterest idea name tag. :-)

Lauren and Holly distributing the recipes (we made copies of our recipes to give to everyone). Behind them you can see our display of crafts.

Four of the participants of the party fellowshipping before we ate.

Telling about our crafts we made and/or awesome helpful tips we know.

We all had a blast and look forward to doing it again soon!

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