August 26, 2013


We came back today from a great visit to Abingdon to visit my parents. The timing was really good as my mom turned 78 today, so we got to help her celebrate her birthday.

My mom opening some gifts (early, which she almost never does!)

We got there Friday and had my favorite and Steve's favorite dish, her Lasagna. Yum!

My dad gave Nathaniel and Steve a John Deere hat (from when they visited the factory). It just so happened that Nathaniel had packed his John Deere shirt, so he wore them both together, which looked Which is perfect, because green is his favorite color.

Saturday, while Steve and my dad went to the Flea Market, my mom took Nathaniel and I to see "Planes". He had been wanting to see it for a while and my mom really enjoyed taking him to see a movie.

Saturday evening, they took us out to dinner at Milano's (yup, like the cookies). There Nathaniel and my mom had a good time looking at and feeding the goldfish (Nathaniel couldn't understand why they were called "goldfish" when some of them weren't gold).

feeding the fish

see, not all are gold!

Nathaniel and my dad after dinner.
My favorite comment of the weekend was on the way to the restaurant when we went through town. Nathaniel noticed that the traffic lights in Abingdon are held up differently than they are here. He said, "look, they are on a string!".

On Sunday, I took Nathaniel to a great playground not far from our house. He had a blast and was very adventurous. It helped that we have been watching "America Ninja Warrior" and he pretended that he was on the show.

Sunday afternoon, we went to a picnic for my parent's Sunday School class at Sugar Hollow Park. There was another playground there, too. Needless to say, he was well worn out Sunday night.
Nathaniel and Steve by a really big rock

Nathaniel and I by the rock (a better picture of the rock)

On the way home today traffic was stopped, so we took a shortcut. Google failed to tell us that there was a gravel road. Steve said it best, "I guarantee you we were the only people on that road headed to Fredericksburg!"

The dirt road

Pretty scenery, though!

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