November 10, 2013

Where shall I begin?

My dad reminded me today that it has been since my mom's birthday that I last blogged. Actually, he just came out and asked me if I would update it. :-)

So, I will start where I left off. Let's see...

Steve's brother and his family came down from Michigan for a visit this summer. It was shortly after Drea's (their oldest) birthday, so we celebrated.

Drea's cake that Marcia made

Drea with her balloons. Isn't she so pretty?!

After that, things kind of run together. So, I will just tell what happened! We went to Belvedere Plantation (after it was rained out the first time we tried!)

The first picture shows us getting instructions from a man at the beginning of the "medium" hard corn maze. We did the first one so easily we thought, why not try another one. Ha!! An hour later I talked Marcia in to letting me wave the flag they so kindly give you in case you get lost. We had walked in circles for what seemed forever!

Marcia and Nathaniel on the hay ride

Nathaniel on the huge pillow jumpy thing. 

The handsome boy

The handsome boy and his mom

Coming down the huge slide. He actually did it by himself this year!

A different slide

Now just miscellaneous pics

Steve and Nathaniel on a ride at Hartwood days

Nathaniel at bingo for  Stafford Cheer

Getting ready to go to church. Showing off his newly lost tooth.

At the dentist. He did great!

I had asked Nathaniel to write sentences about tunnel boring machines. He drew the "O" to look like one.

Making corn meal at Nature Days

Nature Days at Mott's Run Reservoir

Nature Days again

Bowling at a birthday party

Playing Pac-Man at the bowling alley

Now for part I do remember. Very well. Last week 
Nathaniel had appendicitis. He ended up at UVA because he had a high heart rate and a fever. All through it all, he did fantastic. He was definitely frightened at times, but we got through it. Now if we can just get him over is cold he got from the hospital.

Not too long before he got discharged
A friend, Patti, came over to cheer him up.

She did that by bringing him Legos.

And cookies.

 Today, I had a "photo shoot" with Flash. He just matched so well with the leaves!

I'll try not to make it so long before I blog again!

He loves sticks!

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